2016年6月1日 星期三

Young adult fiction note week 9: Midterm

Young adult fiction, or young adult literature, often abbreviated as YA, is a fiction written, published, or marketed to adolescents or young adults. Authors and readers of young teen novels often define the category as literature traditionally written for ages from 15 to early 20s. An example in J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.

Initiation is a rite of passage marking entrance or acceptance into a group or society. It could also be a formal admission to adulthood in the community or signifying a transformation of reborn into a new role. An example is the graduation from college, which means you become a freshman in the society.

Bildungsroman has different names, novel of formation, novel of education, or coming-of-age story. It is a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood, in which character change is extremely important. An example of bildungsroman is James Joyce's "Araby".

Detective fiction is a crime fiction, or a mystery fiction. In detective fiction, there will be an investigator or a detective- either professional or amateur- investigates a crime, often murder. An example is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes.

An antihero is a protagonist who lacks conventional heroic qualities such as idealism, courage, and morality. These individuals often possess dark personality traits, including disagreeableness, dishonest, and aggressiveness. An example is ''Man with No Name'' in A Fistful of Dollars.

What is the significance of the carousel in Chapter 25?

Holden’s release at the end of his story comes as he watches Phoebe ride the carousel. Why Holden feel release and even cry out beside the carousel? What makes the carousel important for Holden Caulfield?
Holden mentions that Phoebe protests, arguing that she is too big to ride the carousel, but Holden knows that she wants to do it and he buys her a ticket. Holden, on the other hand, declines to ride, which shows him recognizing his status as an adult.
The carousel continues to move in circles and always stays in the same pace. It stays the same while the children who ride it continue to grow older. The carousel acts as a role of memory, making everyone think of the past and the present.
In this place, Holden does show some signs of growth. Some of Holden's comments like: ''if they want to grab the gold ring, you have to let them do it . . . If they fall off, they fall off'' references his emendation of his “catcher in the rye” fantasy and shows the change of the idea that every child will eventually “fall” out of innocence and into adulthood. 
In summary, the carousel is a significant place marking the psychological and mental growth of Holden as well as the initiation into a new role.

Please paraphrase (retell the meanings in your own words) the following citations:

a.       Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.
If you get close to somebody, having real connection and rely on them, you will miss that person. Because they can leave you, and they are not dependable. I may not rely on someone totally as a result of not wanting to miss him or her after leaving in the future.

b.      Why does Forrester warn Jamal that "Bitterly disappointed teachers [of writing like Robert Crawford] are either very good or very dangerous"?

Bitterly disappointed teachers are dangerous because they might risk a students standing at school such as negatively affecting a student's grade. In contrary, they may make student study more effectively. I have met this kind of teacher before, I feel appreciated for the teacher for making me change attitude in study from casual to hard-working.

c.       When Jamal asks Forrester why he is a legend at school, why does Forrester shout at him, "The purpose of a question is to obtain information that matters to you"?

F    Forrester can't accept that Jamal ask a question about the status of him instead of asking for information on learning. I think Forrester is right, and Jamal is lucky to meet this kind of friend who reminds him not to waste any energy on the fame instead of the growth of learning.

3. When Jamal first knocks on Forrester’s door, why does he take up the challenge to write 5000 words on why he should stay away?

After seeing the question, the first thought that comes to my mind is that Jamal wants to make a relationship with the old man. But, do the reason truly matter and important enough for Jamal to take the challenge of 5000 words composition?
At first, Jamal needs to write his words secretly in the personal locker. Nobody has the chance to see his notes before Jamal sneaking into the strange man's house, leaving his bag and his notes carelessly in the room, which creates the chance of writing relationship between Jamal and Forrester.
Furthermore, after taking back his bag from the old man's house, Jamal wants to prove himself that he is not a qure bad guy who broke into Forrester's place. He wants to confirm that he can write well and not all his works are not useful.
Last but not least, in spite of reading a lot, Jamal don't have friends to share his thoughts, only peer pressure will Jamal get from his friends in writing. After having the old man who takes a look at his notes and even make some feedbacks, I think Jamal may take it valuable and cherish the opportunity.
In summary, Jamal will take this chance to meet the strange old man, either someone who cares about his writing or just wanting to prove himself.

